+27 (0)11 568 7749

Quality & Safety

Construction is a notoriously dangerous industry. The key to succeed here is safety, to ensure delivering on our craft with pride and respect.
ProGO has a fully functioning Safety System that is focused on practical on-site safety. The system has been certified as NQA ISO 45001 and ISO 14000 compliant with ProGO being certified under these international standards. This system manages the following activities:
Shop Fabrication in own facilities
Site work activities
Service Provider management
Safety file management
Risk Management
ProGO currently has a green status under the Sasol Service Provider Safety Assessment system.
ISO 14001
ISO 9001
ISO 45001
ProGO has an Integrated Management system which was audited and certified by NQA a Global certification company ( https://www.nqa.com/global ) and was subsequently certified on ISO 9001.
The key concepts of our IMS (Integrated Management System) are the following:
We have an Integrated Quality Management System build around our workforce
An easy-to-understand process approach and fit for purpose outcomes.
Effective communication throughout the company
Closing the loop successfully via the Non conformances
Technical Expertise
Building relationships through customer satisfaction
Visible Leadership
Product understanding and control thereof
Adaptable system to meet client needs
Before, during after job (checklists) planning and execution throughout the process
Efficient planning and management system
Innovation and Automation
Recognition Schemes
Tracking, monitoring and measurement of client Key performance indicators correctively
Identifiable and Traceable System
Internal Audit process with is fully adapted to ISO19011:2018